In a social and economic climate such as the one we’re in, a business owner has to ask themselves what it is he is actually trying to do, in terms of providing a service and product for customers. After all, NBP Retouch Tools customers are a big reason I have this fortunate career!
I've always tried to move with intention and with sincerity, in every way that I possibly could. It has always been important to me to not lead with token, patronizing business practices.
And sometimes, like today, I have taken the initiative to dismiss a common business practice that may seem trivial to most (it kind of is), but symbolic nonetheless.
There's enough grift in this world, and every little way that I work to scale back common business bullshit for the benefit our wonderful customers, that continues to allow me to make a living that I love, is something I consider important.
In short, NBP is no longer going to price things in the long-standing, classic and bogus tradition of "something 99". Like I said, it may seem silly, but why does anyone still do this? I'll never know.
As such, anything that was $79 or $149 or $39, has been rounded to the nearest $5 increment. And, with this initiative, I rounded everything *down* – so it's technically another (very small) price reduction over most NBP Retouch Tools product line (which was another initiative a couple of months ago that we felt echoed an industry need that benefits our customers and artists worldwide.)
Dropping the "something 99" pricing nonsense may seem like an innocuous change (and again, it really is) but it is in alignment with other recent changes: Such as no longer monetizing our YouTube channel (no ads to interrupt videos) and our continuing philosophy of not taking on paid sponsors that would essentially force us to market something to you that we don't believe in (and that you don't care about.)
We believe in making tools we ourselves would use, making them absolutely the best we can, and selling them at fair prices to the artists of the world, all while avoiding the condescending silliness that this 'dog and pony show' known as commerce tends to demand.
To conclude, today's little change doesn't really mean much, but it sits better with us, knowing that we're thinking about running a properly fair and rational business, not just participating in token economic propaganda "because that's just how it's always been done".
All of our customers globally know better, so we refuse to tacitly play any of these useless games any longer. 😁